Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Poll Results

Yo guize...

That poll of which OS is the best is OVER.

The winner is...

Leading up to Windows XP was Mac OS X, and leading up to tie for third place is Vista and Linux.

Now the question is, which version of Windows XP do/did you use? Here are the options:

  • Windows XP Home
  • Windows XP Media Center 2005
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Windows XP Professional x64
  • Windows XP SP3 (any version)
Answer as a comment below, this ain't a poll...yet.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Long time, no post :(

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while since there was a post done here on AWH. It has been tough for us as we didn't have much time to do anything, with school starting and vacations, it was just a mess.

Nothing much has happened since July, but that I'm building a new server and I am going to host my website on there.

The server will be a really old computer though, but it runs Vista decently. Here's the catch though- I'm not going to have a Static IP address. Instead I'm going to have a Dynamic one and I'm going to have DynDNS installed and the updater as well.

And for those wondering what has been going on with my computer, well, it's built already. It was built on July 12th, and it's one kick-ass machine. This is probably the best computer I have ever used. I have played Fallout 3 at around 60 FPS in Ultra quality, and that totally beats my old computer (which I gave to my parents, LOL) which ran only 10 FPS and in pretty crappy quality as well.

And as for school, Paly is an okay school. I like the fact that we actually get to use PCs that actually work, and that it's much more productive. Yes, we do have three aluminum iMacs in the Library, but they can't be compared with the three year old desktop PCs in the neighboring lab. I am taking Java as an elective, and that's how I know about those computers in the lab. In Java, we're using Windows XP Pro (which apparently is cracked, but I'm not so sure...) and Eclipse for programming. Eclipse is a GREAT program for Java writing as it explains where and why you have a mistake in the program you wrote. I highly recommend it for anyone who's going to be writing in Java or just beginning to write in Java.

I hope for Max to post something about himself soon, 'nuff talking about me.

Later folks,