Hey!!! That's my hard drive! Each little box is a file or folder, and different colors mean different filetypes. I'm going to start a timeline on my ceiling of these pictures which I will do monthly. To do this, all you have to do is unscrew your computer, take out everything inside, take your hard drive, take an x-ray picture of each segment, then stitch it together. Or, you can just use GrandPerspective (The easy way, which of course I took just like I took the path to using a Mac).
But to take that picture, I just put it as large on the screen as I could and ued the Command-Shift-4 command to take a screenshot of a selection of the screen, which in this case I selected the image inside of the GrandPerspective Window (sorry PC users!). Sorry PC users, you AWESOME Mac users can download it right HERE, and the homepage is right HERE!
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